Enhancing Secure and Reliable Data Transfer through Robust Integrity

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P Raja Sekhar Reddy , K Ravindranath


Cloud computing has emerged as a highly efficient platform that allows multiple users to access various services through virtualization on a shared physical network. The participants in a Cloud Computing (CC) environment include Cloud Service Providers (CSP), Consumers, Brokers, and Auditors. The advantages of cloud storage, such as universal network access, convenience, and scalability, have led to data owners preferring to store their data on remote servers. However, the transfer of outsourced data has become a critical requirement for cloud users due to the availability of different cloud storage services with varying quality of services.

One major challenge in this context is ensuring the security of secret keys and data integrity. There is no guarantee of data integrity when storing data on an untrusted cloud server. To address this issue, this paper proposes a secure and efficient data integrity verification scheme for cloud storage services. The scheme utilizes a key-homomorphic cryptographic primitive to reduce system complexity and eliminate the need for a public key authentication framework based on a public key infrastructure (PKI) in the data integrity checking protocol. By employing this approach, the proposed method ensures the integrity of remote data stored on cloud servers. Through security analysis and empirical evaluation, it is demonstrated that our scheme is both practical and effective for securely sharing records with multiple owners in cloud computing.

Article Details

Author Biography

P Raja Sekhar Reddy , K Ravindranath

[1]P Raja Sekhar Reddy

2K Ravindranath


[1] Research Scholar, Koneru Lakshmaiah Education Foundation, Greenfields, Vaddeswaram, A.P., India

2Associate Professor ,Dept. of CSE, Koneru Lakshmaiah Education Foundation, Greenfields , Vaddeswaram,A.P.,India

E-mail: 1prreddy.cvsr@gmail.com, 2 ravindra_ist@kluniversity.in



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