Simulation of 5KWp Grid Connected Rooftop Solar Power Plant using PV Watts India

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Jayanna Kanchikere, S Anatha Padmanabhan, Arun Vikas Singh, B Vidyasagar, M S Suresh, Gundhar Arun Chougule, Pallavi Baburao Patil, Anurag A Sutar


In grid connected rooftop solar PV system, available rooftop area on buildings is used for setting up solar power plant and DC power generated from solar photovoltaic (SPV) cells is converted to AC power by solar grid inverter and is fed to the grid during day time. In night when solar power is not sufficient, loads are served by drawing power from grid. In this paper, the Simulation analysis of 5 KWp solar photovoltaic roof top grid connected power plant at Sharad Institute of Technology college of Engineering, Ichalkaranji city is carried out using PV Watts India simulation software. The simulation results of DC energy output of PV module and AC energy output of inverter are presented. From the simulation, the annual average solar irradiation is 6.02 kWh/m2/day. Total annual DC energy output of the PV array is 8301 Kwh and the annual output of the inverter is 7922 KWh. The system losses are 14.08% and the capacity factor is 18.1%.

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