Evaluating Radio Interference and Audible Noise For 400 KV EHVAC And 500 KV HVDC Hybrid Horizontal Single Circuit Transmission Line Using FACE Software and Semi-Empirical Formulae

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Manan Pathak, Dishang Trivedi


In order to ensure efficient, bulk-power transmission over a long distance, need of increasing transmission infrastruc- ture is being thought for the past many years. Many countries like China, South Afrika, Italy, Japan, USA, USSR, Brazil, China are developing technology for EHVAC-HVDC Hybrid transmission systems. Operating at 400 kV for EHVAC and 500 kV for HVDC demands careful design of transmission infrastructure, switchgear, and other equipment design. This paper analyses the RI and AN electromagnetic environment of a hybrid transmission line comprising 400 kV EHVAC and 500 kV HVDC. The study uses FACE software including EPRI, IREQ. EdF, BPA etc equations to evaluate the audible noise and radio interference. The results provide insights into the combined effects and interactions within the hybrid system, highlighting the advantages and challenges of integrating both AC and DC transmission technologies. The results of the study of static field and magnetic field of the hybrid line are also found to be within prescribed limits suggested by International Commission on Non- Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) guidelines.

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