Learning Through Games in Architectural Education: Urban Architecture and Stakeholder Opinions

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Hacer Mutlu Danaci, Yavuz Bahadır Certel, Kemal Reha Kavas, Çağdaş Saydam, İbrahim Bakir


Game-based learning methods in architectural education not only enable students to learn effectively, but also increase their motivation by making the subjects more interesting. Obtaining stakeholder opinions during the design phase of buildings that are important in the city skyline is a method applied in many countries. A game was organized on this subject for Akdeniz University Architecture students, who will be the architects of the future, within the scope of obtaining the opinions of stakeholders in the design of architectural structures that affect the city skyline at important points in Antalya, which is a tourism city. In the game, students are divided into stakeholder groups such as architects, municipal officials, tourism representatives, public representatives, professional chambers, environmental protection association representatives, and each stakeholder will bring suggestions according to their own perspective through the selected regions. A game design that includes the opinions of the stakeholders in the study can improve students' ability to look from different perspectives, increase their professional communication skills, and provide students with an interactive learning experience. This game aims to develop a culture of cooperation and consensus by bringing together different perspectives of stakeholders. It also aims to raise awareness about the process of designing the colorful structures of Antalya city and to provide experience to the participants.

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