Bridging East and West: A Comparative Analysis of Modern Western Art and Lu Xun's Covers
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Lu Xun, a key figure in modern literature and a pioneer of modern book design in China, blended Western artistic styles with his cover designs to develop modern Chinese design. Despite extensive discussion on his contributions to learning Western art for modern Chinese design, there is still a lack of research on how he incorporated Western artistic expressions into his design practice. This study uses comparative analysis to examine representative works from Art Nouveau, Futurism, and Constructivism alongside Lu Xun's similar style covers. The findings reveal that Lu Xun selectively adopted modern Western artistic forms that matched his book content, effectively applying his concept of selective adoption. Additionally, he effectively kept traditional Chinese aesthetics in his designs, including Chinese layouts, symmetrical compositions, and negative space, embodying his idea of blending global trends with retaining Chinese cultural identity. This research not only deepens understanding of how Western modern art directly affected Lu Xun's art expression but also provides valuable insights for local designers seeking to maintain national features in the globalised context nowadays.
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