The Effect of YouTube Recommendation Engine: A Study of Visibility and Engagement

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Suneesh K S, Padmanabhan T, Poovarasan G, Jeeva V


YouTube, one of the widely used online video platform which has an excellent algorithm to recommend the users with the customized content which leads them to binge-scrolling. Binge-Scrolling is the habit of continuously scrolling through social media feeds or other digital content for extended periods. This study focuses on what is the relationship between recommendation videos and binge-scrolling. To find out, BWESQ (Binge-Watching Engagement and Symptoms Questionnaire) is used with the selected variables such as Engagement, Binge-Watching, Dependency and Loss of control. The random sampling approach is employed to get samples from prominent locations around the metropolitan metropolis in India. 389 (N=389) samples collected through online data collection platform (Microsoft Forms) and the Multiple linear regression is used to analyse the linear relationship between those variables in Binge-scrolling. The statistics are employed with SPSS software. The study results with that prominent statistical significance are found between YouTube Recommendation videos and Binge- Scrolling.

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