Privacy-Preserving and Ranked Search Using Advanced Multi-Keyword Scheme Over the Encrypted Cloud Environment
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In order to enable users to extract useful insights on demand, this paper presents a unique approach for secure and privacy-preserving ranked search in cloud environments. There is a rising need for strong systems that strike a balance between data utility and individual privacy as cloud-based data processing and storage become more and more prevalent. Our suggested methodology makes use of sophisticated multi-keyword operators and encryption methods to offer a safe and effective solution for cloud-based ranked search that protects privacy. Our methodology's essential component is the combination of a safe encryption technique and sophisticated multi-keyword search operators. With this combination, users can do ranked searches on encrypted data while maintaining the privacy of the underlying data. Our approach leverages strong cryptography protocols and an advanced indexing mechanism to provide rapid retrieval of relevant results while protecting confidential information from unauthorized individuals. Secure query processing techniques and encryption are added for added privacy protection. This guarantees that throughout the ranking search operations, the decrypted data cannot be accessed by the cloud service provider or any other parties participating in the data processing pipeline. Users don't have to compromise the privacy of their stored data or expose the exact text of their queries to obtain ranked results based on several keywords. Our technology is especially useful in situations when customers need instantaneous insights from data stored in the cloud without compromising privacy. Our technology protects the secrecy of the underlying datasets while enabling customers to obtain secure insights on demand in a variety of sensitive sectors, including financial analysis and medical research. The suggested method offers a strong and adaptable way to achieve privacy-preserving ranked search in cloud environments. Through the incorporation of sophisticated multi-keyword operators and encryption strategies, our approach guarantees users may effectively obtain pertinent data while maintaining personal privacy. With its ability to provide safe, anytime access to insights stored in cloud-based data repositories, this breakthrough has enormous potential for a variety of applications.
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