Design of Hybrid Combination Observer for 4 Phases Switched Reluctance Motor Using FPGA

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T. Senthilkumar, H. Vidhya, S. Allirani, T. Vinoth Kumar


In recent years, electric drives of SRM have put on more attention seeing as they recommend the possibility of electric drives. However, the SRM has some drawbacks of manifest torque ripple and hearing noises which avoid the use of great performance drives. This paper presents the simulation and experimental review is made for low speed, medium speed, and high speed sensorless speed control of 8/6 Switched Reluctance Motor (SRM) by Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) with a combination of Current Sliding Mode Observer (CSMO) and Flux Linkage Sliding Mode Observer (FSMO). Using this combination of CSMO and FSMO the entire speed range are derived. Moreover, Phase Current (PC), Estimation Speed (ES), Actual Speed (AS), and Speed Estimation Error (SEE) of 8/6 SRM are derived from the MATLAB simulation tool. The Experimental setup in 1.0-kilowatt, 8/6, or four phases SRM using FPGA Spartan-6 XC6SLX9-TQG144 is implemented and different speed values like 15 RPM-low speed, 500RPM-Medium speed, and 1500 RPM-High speed are derived and tabulated.

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