Detecting Cyber-attacks in the Industrial Internet of Things using a Hybrid Deep Random Neural Network
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Critical infrastructure now faces greater vulnerabilities and a higher risk of cyberattacks as a result of the (IIoT) quick expansion. The security and dependability of industrial systems must be ensured by identifying and thwarting these threats. In this paper, we use a hybrid approach of deep learning and RNN called hybrid deep random neural network (HDRNN) to offer a novel method of identifying cyber-attacks in the IIoT.The proposed HDRNN model combines the benefits of random neural networks with deep learning to improve the detection of IIoT cyberattacks. The deep learning component makes use of deep neural networks' capacity to extract intricate features from unstructured data, while the random neural network component offers robustness and adaptability to manage changing attack patterns.Realistic threats and benchmark datasets such as UNSW-NB15and DS2OS are used in experimental evaluations. High accuracy, precision, and recall rates are attained by the model, which successfully detects a variety of assaults including infiltration, data manipulation, and denial of service.The suggested HDRNN model offers a promising approach for improving the security of IIoT systems by precisely identifying cyber-attacks in real-time. The model's hybrid nature enables enhanced detection capabilities, adaptability to changing attack patterns, and a reduction in false positives, enabling efficient threat mitigation and protecting crucial infrastructure in the IIoT context.
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