A Metaphor Analysis on Vehicle License Plate Detection using Yolo-NAS and Yolov8

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Deepak Mane, Prashant Kumbharkar, Sunil Sangve, Nirupama Earan, Komal Patil, Sakshi Bonde


There have been significant advancements in object detection in recent years, notably with the emergence of the YOLO approach. In this paper, we proposed a thorough comparison between YOLO-NAS and YOLOv8 specifically for detecting vehicle license plates based on the analysis of experimental results. Real-time vehicle license plate detection can have a wide range of applications like crime prevention, surveillance, traffic-pattern analysis, automated toll collection, etc. Our evaluation uses a diverse dataset capturing vehicle images from various angles and levels of occlusion to ensure a comprehensive assessment of the models' capabilities. The metrics considered include precision, recall, and mAP, offering insights into detection accuracy and false positive rates. The results reveal nuanced performance differences between YOLO-NAS and YOLOv8 in vehicle license plate detection tasks. YOLO-NAS demonstrates superior accuracy in specific scenarios due to its optimized architecture. Conversely, YOLOv8 shows notable efficiency gains, especially regarding inference speed, making it a compelling choice for real-time applications. Here, we contribute valuable insights to the ongoing discussion on object detection methodologies, assisting practitioners in making informed decisions when selecting a model for vehicle license plate detection applications. The findings underscore the importance of considering trade-offs between accuracy and computational efficiency in specific use cases

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Author Biography

Deepak Mane, Prashant Kumbharkar, Sunil Sangve, Nirupama Earan, Komal Patil, Sakshi Bonde

[1]Deepak Mane

2Prashant Kumbharkar

3Sunil Sangve

4Nirupama Earan

5Komal Patil

6Sakshi Bonde


[1] 1,3Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Pune, Pune-411037, Maharashtra, India

2,4,5,6JSPM’s Rajarshi Shahu College of Engineering, Pune-411033, Maharashtra, India

dtmane@gmail.com, pbk.rscoe@gmail.com, sunil.sangve@vit.edu, nirupamarajeevan@gmail.com, komalpatil132002@gmail.com, sakshibonde87@gmail.com



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