Efficient and Secure Blockchain-Based Access Control for Fog-Assisted IoT Cloud in Electronic Medical Records Sharing

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Nidhi Ranjan, Balasaheb Balkhande, Madhuri Ghuge, Bhawana S. Dakhare, Bhawna Ruchi Singh, Anuradha Shukla


Fog-assisted IoT Cloud environments have emerged as a result of the rapid spread of Internet of Things (IoT) devices and the requirement for seamless data sharing in the healthcare industry. The effective and safe management of access control to sensitive data, such as Electronic Medical Records (EMRs), becomes crucial in such configurations. The Efficient and Secure Blockchain-Based Access Control (ESBAC) framework, designed specifically for Fog-assisted IoT Cloud scenarios in EMR sharing, is our creative approach to this problem. The ESBAC architecture makes use of the blockchain's openness and immutability to provide reliable access control and auditability. The implementation of a consortium blockchain includes participants including healthcare providers, patients, and authorised entities. Each EMR has a smart contract attached to it that specifies access restrictions and permissions to make sure that only authorised parties are able to access and edit the data. Because of the decentralisation provided by the blockchain, security and privacy are improved because no single party has overwhelming control. Proposed framework uses attribute-based access control and lightweight encryption methods to provide a fair trade-off between security and efficiency. As a result, there can be fine-grained access control policies with the least amount of computing overhead. Comprehensive simulations are used to evaluate the suggested solution and compare it to current methods. The outcomes show that ESBAC improves security in EMR sharing and greatly lowers access latency.

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Author Biography

Nidhi Ranjan, Balasaheb Balkhande, Madhuri Ghuge, Bhawana S. Dakhare, Bhawna Ruchi Singh, Anuradha Shukla

[1]Dr. Nidhi Ranjan

2Dr. Balasaheb Balkhande

3Madhuri Ghuge

4Bhawana S. Dakhare

5Dr. Bhawna Ruchi Singh

6Dr. Anuradha Shukla



[1] Associate Professor, Vasantdada Patil Pratishthan's College of Engineering & Visual Arts, Mumbai

Mumbai University, Maharashtra, India

2Associate Professor, Vasantdada Patil Pratishthan's College of Engineering & Visual Arts, Mumbai

Mumbai University, Maharashtra, India

3Assistant Professor, Bharati Vidyapeeth college of Engineering, Navi Mumbai, Mumbai University, Maharashtra, India.

4Assistant Professor, Bharati Vidyapeeth college of Engineering, Navi Mumbai, Mumbai University, Maharashtra, India

5Department of Applied Science, Bharati Vidyapeeth college of Engineering Navi mumbai, Maharashtra, India

6Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

nidhipranjan@gmail.com1, balkhandeakshay@gmail.com2, madhurighuge27@gmail.com3, bhawanadakhare@gmail.com4, bhawnasingh77@gmail.com5, anuradha.shukla@nmims.edu6



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