Eye Gaze for Monitoring Attention Through Hybrid Ensemble Learning

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Ranjeet Bidwe, Gouransh Agrawal, Unnati, Akshay Sangwan, Himanshu Kulhari, Sashikala Mishra, Simi Bajaj


One of the countless tasks that call attention to monitoring is necessary for comprising healthcare, education, transportation safety, and human-computer interaction. This research describes novel work done in attention monitoring by fusing a hybrid eye gaze model with deep learning to monitor a driver's attention level. The hybrid eye gaze model proposed is described and its results are produced in this paper. The proposed model uses an augmented dataset where data augmentation techniques like rotation, shifting, shearing, and flipping are applied together with adjustments like changing the fill mode in terms of zooming into the image and rescaling. These are all crucial aspects in reliable and consistent training of the model. Our model is built on modern pre-trained architectures which include VGG16, VGG19, InceptionV3, EfficientNetB0, EfficientNetB7, and InceptionResNetV2. To aid in capturing very minute attention dynamics, we modify these architectures and then incorporate more layers. Later, we used a model ensemble to increase the accuracy and efficiency of the model. Later, the XGBoost model is integrated with all other models used before in the hybrid model technique to obtain better accuracy and efficiency of the model. The model performance is adequately evaluated using various evaluation measures like accuracy, precision, recall, F1 Score, and support. These metrics provide a holistic understanding of the model's capability to detect and predict attention patterns in different contexts. After using the models, we could get the best accuracy from VGG19 and InceptionResNetV2, i.e., 84.6% and 83.6% respectively. VGG16 hybrid models recorded 82% in the accuracy test. With deep learning and pre-trained architectures, the Hybrid Eye Gaze Model shows a strong and flexible attention monitoring solution for varying types of applications.

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Author Biography

Ranjeet Bidwe, Gouransh Agrawal, Unnati, Akshay Sangwan, Himanshu Kulhari, Sashikala Mishra, Simi Bajaj

[1]1Ranjeet Bidwe

2Gouransh Agrawal


4Akshay Sangwan

5Himanshu Kulhari

6Sashikala Mishra

7Simi Bajaj


[1]Symbiosis Institute of Technology, Pune, Symbiosis International (Deemed University), Lavale, Pune, Maharashtra, India

2Symbiosis Institute of Technology, Pune, Symbiosis International (Deemed University), Lavale, Pune, Maharashtra, India

3Symbiosis Institute of Technology, Pune, Symbiosis International (Deemed University), Lavale, Pune, Maharashtra, India

4Symbiosis Institute of Technology, Pune, Symbiosis International (Deemed University), Lavale, Pune, Maharashtra, India

5Symbiosis Institute of Technology, Pune, Symbiosis International (Deemed University), Lavale, Pune, Maharashtra, India

6Symbiosis Institute of Technology, Pune, Symbiosis International (Deemed University), Lavale, Pune, Maharashtra, India

7Director of Academic Program & Deputy Associate Dean International Southeast Asia at Western Sydney University

ranjeetbidwe@hotmail.com, gouransh12345@gmail.com, unnatijha2001@gmail.com,

akshaysangwan8571@gmail.com, himanshukulhari28@gmail.com, sashikala.mishra@sitpune.edu.in,


Corresponding Author: ranjeetbidwe@hotmail.com



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