AI Enabled Streamlined Battery Management in Electric Vehicles
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This Project serves a voice-activated assistant named E V Hexa using Python and an ESP32 microcontroller. The assis- tant leverages speech recognition and text-to-speech capabilities to interact with users, integrating with ThingSpeak for battery status updates, Spotify for music playback, Google Maps for navigation. It also includes functionality to find the availability of nearby charging stations using the OpenChargeMap API..It operates in a continuous loop, listening for and processing voice commands. Concurrently, an ESP32 microcontroller reads battery voltage, calculates the battery percentage, and sends this data to ThingSpeak for real-time monitoring. The ESP32 connects to WiFi, reads the analog sensor value, computes the voltage, maps it to a percentage, and posts the data to the ThingSpeak server at regular intervals, ensuring seamless IoT integration and user interaction. The future scope of the project is to develop an app that integrates all essential elements and features for a comprehensive user experience.
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