Impact of SNS on TGO and DA by using Data Mining Path Model

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Umang Raj, Khushboo Sharma, Farid Khan


This study aims to discover the impact of social networking sites on applicant quality, target group orientation and diversity of applicants. The study was conducted in Jaipur, Rajasthan, India and involved 387 respondents from different companies working at different levels in the recruitment department; mainly researcher has taken major responses form the BPO industry. Data were collected through an online survey and both descriptive and inferential statistics were used for data analysis. The results indicated that social networking sites had a significant impact on applicant quality, target group orientation and diversity of applicants. The study findings provide insights into the role of social networking sites in the recruitment process and have implications for HR practitioners and organizations. However, the study's conducted in a specific region of India and mainly in the BPO industry. Future research should expand the study's scope to different regions and industries to increase its generalizability..

Article Details

Author Biography

Umang Raj, Khushboo Sharma, Farid Khan

1Dr. Umang Raj

2Dr. Khushboo Sharma

3Mr. Farid Khan

1Assistant Professor, Shridhar University, Pilani

2Associate Professor & HOD, Shridhar University, Pilani.

3Admission Manager, Shridhar University, Pilani

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