Intelligent Electric Grid Maintenance via an Adaptive Predictive Maintenance Optimization Algorithm
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This study presents a novel framework for the predictive maintenance of electric grid infrastructure, leveraging an Adaptive Predictive Maintenance Optimization (APMO) algorithm. Our comprehensive system architecture integrates IoT sensors and drone surveillance, harnessing grid computing for data processing and machine learning for analytics. The APMO algorithm, underpinned by reinforcement learning, dynamically refines maintenance schedules, enhancing operational efficiency. Results from simulated sensor data exhibit a negligible correlation, indicating a multi-faceted approach to predictive analytics. Specifically, the Health Index distribution showed a wide range of 0.7 to 1.0, while the electrical current maintained a stable mean at 10 A. Further, the APMO algorithm demonstrated a promising improvement in maintenance efficiency from 40% to 75% over a year. This research introduces a scalable, robust system for grid management, paving the way for smarter infrastructure maintenance.
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