Application of Super Conductor Magnetic Energy Storage System and FACTS Devices for a Two Area Load Frequency Control Containing Synchronous Generators and DFIG Wind Generator System
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The load change in a synchronous generator (SG) based power generation system is common which will mainly influence the change in voltage, power flows, frequency, load angle and burden o transmission lines and transformer due to change in current flow. The study which analyses the behavior of load change, compensating devices and its impact on change in frequency and real power flow is termed as load frequency control. The generators like Doubly Fed Induction Generator (DFIG), SG are supplying power in one area and total two areas are considered in this paper. The load change is done in area-1 only and change in frequency is observed in both areas. Three cases, one with thyristor controlled capacitor storage phase shifters (TCPS) and other with superconducting magnetic energy storage system (SMES) and a hybrid of these is done and in other case, FACTS devices like TCPS, SSSC, UPFC and IPFC are used. Using MATLAB software, the frequency change is observed in all the three cases, in the first case, TCPS is found better and in the second case, IPFC is found better in compensating the frequency change. In the third case, the frequency deviation is observed with coordinated devices SMES-SMES, SMES and TCPS and SMES and SSSC. It is found that SMES and SSSC coordinated device structure is best among all in terms of frequency deviation.