Specifics of Applying Multi-threshold Decoding Methods to Correct Errors in Fading Communication Channels

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Dina Satybaldina, Valery Zolotarev, Gennady Ovechkin, Zhuldyz Sailaukyzy, Zarina Khassenova, Eldor Egamberdiyev


This research investigates the application of multi-threshold decoding (MTD) methods for error correction in communication channels prone to fading phenomena. The study emphasizes the preservation or minimal increase in the implementation complexity of the original MTD method, crucial for maintaining high decoding rates exceeding tens to hundreds of Gbit/s. Results highlight MTD's efficacy in mitigating errors in channels affected by diverse fading types, including multipath propagation with intersymbol interference  in conjunction with Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM). The capability of MTD to decode extensive codes with low computational complexity significantly enhances its utility in addressing complex channel impairments. Conversely, conventional error-correction codes often falter due to inadequate code lengths in such environments. Consequently, the adoption of MTD proves pertinent in modern high-speed digital data transmission systems, ensuring robust error correction amidst challenging channel conditions.

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