AC Micro Grid Fault Analysis

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Harsh K. Vaghela, Gautam V. Bhatt, Shivani S. Chauhan, Bhavesh D. Patel, Vishal B. Rathod, Nitin H. Adroja


Implementation of micro grid concept creates several issues to the existing protection scheme in the radial distribution network. Depending on the location and capacity of the distributed generators, the short-circuit current from the main grid and distributed generations causes variations in the fault current levels inside the micro grid. The changes cause effect of sympathetic tripping, blinding of protection, relay over-reaching, relay under-reaching and loss of selectivity of the overcurrent protection scheme. Such issues must be managed carefully to ensure full benefit from micro grid adaptation.

Conventional protection schemes are unable to detect fault current levels common in micro grid. Several methods have been proposed in various research paper. Micro grid protection is substantial to provide reliable and continuous power supply to the customers. The main aim of proposed work is to detect the fault for fast restoration of the system back to the normal operation. The proposed protection scheme for micro grid uses intelligent electronics device for detecting the fault

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