Application and Significance of Computer Technology in Entrepreneurship Education

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Li Zhi Zhang, Bo Wang, Min Lv


With the continuous expansion of university scale and the continuous growth of population base, the number of college graduates is showing a trend of increasing year by year. This phenomenon reflects the mismatch between the allocation of educational resources and market demand, and also highlights the urgency of strengthening innovation and entrepreneurship education. Based on the above background, we conducted in-depth research on the management system of innovation and entrepreneurship education for college students based on the B/S structure. The B/S structure (browser/server structure) has advantages such as cross platform, easy maintenance, and scalability, making it very suitable for building large and complex online education management systems. In the system design process, we first conducted a detailed requirement analysis, clarifying the functional and non functional requirements of the system. Then, based on the results of the requirements analysis, we designed the system architecture and determined the overall framework of the system and the functional division of each module. Next, we used SQL Server as the backend database management system, Java as the development language, and ASP. NET as the development platform to code and implement the system. In the implementation process of the system, we focused on the usability and stability of the system. By providing a user-friendly interface and clear operating procedures, the learning cost and difficulty of users have been reduced; Through strict code standards and comprehensive testing mechanisms, the stability and reliability of the system have been ensured.

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