Digital Healthcare Connect: A Comprehensive Mobile Application for Seamless Doctor-Patient Interaction and Tracking Specialization Availability

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Paulo Miguel A. Cano , John Mathew R. Pua , Kathlene Joy B. Dejito , Justine Paul S. Erni , Elcid A. Serrano


In the contemporary healthcare landscape, timely access to accurate medical information is pivotal, yet persisting challenges hinder seamless access to real-time data, particularly in regions like the Philippines. This paper delves into developing and assessing a sophisticated mobile application to address these challenges. Integrating Information Technology (IT) and emphasizing user experience, the application is a pivotal bridge connecting potential patients with healthcare providers. By leveraging IT advancements, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic, telemedicine has emerged as a transformative solution, enabling remote medical consultations and bolstering healthcare accessibility. The application's three distinct login options – Doctor, User, and Guest profiles have been meticulously crafted to 

Delays in accessing appropriate medical treatment, especially for individuals with serious medical conditions, can have dire consequences. This application tackles this issue by efficiently locating specialists e.g. cardiologist, dermatologist, etc., thereby minimizing time wastage and potentially alleviating the severity of diseases. Furthermore, it confronts the challenge of outdated healthcare information in regions like the Philippines, where rural areas often need to grapple with tech illiteracy and limited internet infrastructure.

Additionally, the application incorporates crucial features such as doctor verification processes and safeguarding patients against fraudulent medical practitioners. The rise of fake clinics, particularly in Southeast Asia, necessitates robust solutions, and this application stands as a reliable tool in combating such malpractices. The architecture of the application, rooted in a Java-based backend, ensures robust performance and scalability, essential for accommodating evolving healthcare demands.

A survey was employed to evaluate the proposed software application's effectiveness comprehensively. Participants engaged with a prototype through a carefully curated SUS survey, resulting in an impressive SUS score of 74.93. This score places the application in the 'good' category, indicating its usability and functionality.

In essence, this research endeavor signifies a significant stride towards democratizing healthcare access. By seamlessly amalgamating technology, user experience, and medical expertise, the application emerges as a beacon of hope, particularly in regions facing healthcare disparities. The study's findings underline the application's efficacy and potential to revolutionize healthcare accessibility and user experience in an increasingly digital world.

CCS Concepts

  • Human-centered computing ➝ Human computer interaction (HCI) ➝ HCI design and evaluation methods

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