Architectural Style and the Ethics of Rationalism

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Hiba Salih Meften, Noor A. M. Aalhashem, Kameelal Ahmed Al-Kaiss


Style is an important concept that accompanied architectural theory and practice and appeared clearly in postmodern theories and practices as one of the alternative design strategies that aimed to address the problems of modernity and that focused on many architectural issues and the importance of history in creating new architecture. The research discussed the role of the rational movement and the importance of the moral aspect inherent in the movement in order to form a human architectural style with a moral dimension by revealing the impact of rationality in the formation of architectural styles. The study discussed the origins and concepts associated with the rational moral doctrine and studies on the moral aspect of the movement of rational styles in the form of a problem. Architectural research represented by the scientific need to understand the impact of the ethical doctrine on rational architectural form is a method that assumes the structure of post-modern architecture research influenced by the ethical doctrine and to reveal its role in the ethical doctrine. The study addressed three axes: the first identified the cognitive framework, the second the theoretical framework and extracting the basic vocabulary for the study, and the third the application of the vocabulary to the architectural product.

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