Effectiveness of Travelling Wave Protection Scheme to Develop Fastest Protection Scheme for Transmission Line

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Grishma P Pipaliya, Nisha B Lodha, Nilesh J Patel, Pulin J Purohit, Divyesh J Vaghela


Fast protection in transmission lines is prime requirement for maintaining the stability and reliability of power systems. It not only safeguards the transmission line but also protects connected equipment such as transformers, generators, and other connected equipment. Now a day, for developing smart grids, it is necessary to develop a relay which can sense the fault quickly. This results into isolation of faulty part and preventing damage to the equipment. Tripping signal of relay based on steady state components does not warranty faster tripping. The proposed method is an attempt to find solution of faster tripping by using 0, α and β components using clarke’s transformation of travelling waves that are produced when fault occurs.

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