Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Social Media Networks

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Abdullah S. Al-Malaise Al-Ghamdi, Farrukh Saleem


The use of social media applications has become a part of our daily routine. There is a tremendous need to analyze the data generated by social media to develop solutions to various challenges. This study examines the implications and benefits of artificial intelligence (AI) on social media from numerous perspectives. Data analytics, process automation, developing new marketing tactics, and enhancing business efficiency are some of the common challenges where integrating AI with social media can play a big role. Social media applications provide various forms of support to individuals, communities, groups, and businesses. In order to keep in touch with their customers, business communities are using social media to post new products or services. On the other hand, educational communities are producing informative and educational materials for students worldwide. To further improve their performance, the communities are interested in evaluating the data generated by social media in the form of views, downloads, likenesses, ideas, improvements, and other demographic information. In order to properly assess the data, this study investigates the range of AI-based algorithms. It can provide the fastest possible understanding of user requirements for business organizations and communities. It is helpful to create innovative concepts considering the feedback and recommendations. All users and communities linked by social media applications can benefit from the proposed framework to strengthen their connections with each other. The investigated AI methods that can positively work with social media data includes machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing, among other popular methods that can offer an extensive variety of solutions.

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