Graduate Tracer with Analytics for Ilocos Sur Polytechnic State College (ISPSC)

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Omar U. Guiling, Anna Rhodora Quitaleg, M.I.T, Vitruvius John D. Barayuga, D.I.T


Graduate Tracer Studies (GTS) have been a recognizable practice worldwide as they allow better understanding between the connection of education and work.   They are important especially to higher education institutions as it enabled them to accommodate changes in the society especially the demands of the actual and potential employers, through evaluation and constant review of their curricula. However, in Ilocos Sur Polytechnic State College – Main Campus, tracers used social media groups such as Facebook groups and Google Forms in conducting graduate employability tracing which sometimes leads to issues of representativeness, time-consuming, and data reliability. The goal of this study is to develop a Graduate Tracer System for Ilocos Sur Polytechnic State College with Analytics to address the issues of using aforementioned tools. The study was delimited to BS Computer Science graduates of ISPSC Main Campus from 2015-2023. Design Thinking framework was utilized by the researcher to hold together the data used to carry out the study. Furthermore, the Agile methodology was used for software development and Software Usability Scale (SUS) was used to evaluate the acceptability test of the developed system.  The results of the study showed that the developed software gained a usability test of Strongly Agree which means that the application used for tracking and helpful in the graduate employability tracing of ISPSC.

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