Development of an E-Learning Persona: A Systematic Review

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Salim Ammir Alkhayari, Noraini Binti Ibrahim


This paper presents a systematic literature review (SLR) on the development of e-learning personas within the realm of human-computer interaction (HCI). E-learning personas, conceptualized as fictional representations of user groups, are instrumental for designers and stakeholders in e-learning. They provide insight into students' perspectives, preferences, abilities, and available IT infrastructure. This review addresses the notable absence of comprehensive SLRs in the e-learning domain, employing the PROSMA methodology and examining prominent datasets. The findings highlight several research gaps that offer directions for future inquiry, including the adaptation of learning methods to persona development, the application of k-means clustering for machine learning analysis, and the utilization of APIs for efficient data collection. These identified areas are pivotal for advancing the field of e-learning personas.

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