Developing Dynamic E-Learning Personas: An AI-Driven Approach Utilizing Online Survey and K-Means Clustering

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Salim Ammir Alkhayari, Noraini Binti Ibrahim


E-learning personas play a vital role in delivering customized educational experiences by providing pivotal insights that enable stakeholders (including designers, testers, and administrators) to make well-informed decisions that are in line with the requirements of the users. Nevertheless, the creation of these personas faces obstacles such as intricacy and the lack of a standardized approach. The existing research lacks sufficient participation from key stakeholders, including developers, testers, and system supervisors, in the evaluation of AI-driven e-learning personas and their development frameworks. This significant gap in the literature exacerbates the complexity of the situation. The present study suggests that artificial intelligence (AI), more specifically K-means clustering, be utilized to revolutionize the process of persona creation in the field of e-learning. Using both clustering analysis and survey data together will help make it easier to create e-learning personas that are representative of Omani Grade 10 students, a group that faces unique challenges and opportunities when it comes to e-learning. Additionally, a comprehensive framework is presented in this paper, which not only tackles the methodological obstacles but also advocates for the active participation of end-users and key stakeholders in the process of persona evaluation. It is expected that this active participation will greatly improve the precision, applicability, and relevance of the personas created, thereby providing more informed direction for the development of e-learning materials and interfaces.

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