Dynamic Resource Management: Load Balancing Algorithms for Heterogeneous Cloud Environments

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Jasobanta Laha, Sabyasachi Pattnaik, Chinmaya Kumar Nayak, Kumar Surjeet Chaudhury


The Pay as You Use (PaYU) model forms the foundation of cloud mobility, enabling customers to access diverse resources such as computing power, energy, and storage as per their demand. In today's world, the different companies across various industries are recognizing the advantages of cloud computing and transitioning to it. Cloud computing has many advantages over traditional computing. However, cloud storage still has some problems, such as inadequate allocation of resources and poor user service. The overall performance of cloud systems is also affected by heterogeneous cloud resources. In this work, we propose an improved load measurement method for deploying virtual machines in heterogeneous cloud. To maintain adequate equilibrium, our innovative method effectively allocates independent client requests for virtual machines within the data cloud. Compared to the Throttled and Round Robin algorithms, the findings indicate that the data center requires less time to respond to and handle user requests.

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