Construction of Localized Teaching Mode of Orff Music Pedagogy Based on Big Data Analysis

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Dongjing Li


This study explores the construction of a localized teaching mode of Orff music pedagogy through the lens of big data analysis, aiming to enhance the effectiveness and relevance of music education within diverse educational contexts. Drawing upon a mixed-methods approach, the research endeavours to elucidate the transformative potential of Orff's pedagogy in fostering meaningful learning experiences and empowering students to become proficient, engaged musicians. Through quantitative analysis of pre-and post-intervention assessments, significant improvements in students' musical aptitude and engagement levels are observed following the implementation of the localized teaching mode. Correlation and regression analyses further highlight the influence of socio-cultural factors, parental involvement, and prior musical experience on students' learning outcomes, underscoring the importance of collaborative partnerships between educators, families, and community stakeholders. Qualitative analysis themes such as enhanced creativity, collaborative learning, and cultural resonance provide rich insights into the subjective experiences and perceptions of participants, complementing the quantitative findings and offering a holistic understanding of the multifaceted dimensions of music education. Overall, this study contributes to the growing body of research on innovative pedagogical approaches in music education and underscores the importance of evidence-based practices and responsive instructional strategies in fostering inclusive and empowering learning environments.

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