Tourism Cultural and Creative Product Design Based on Style Migration Algorithm

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Songxue Liu


This study explores the transformative impact of the Style Migration Algorithm (SMA) on tourism cultural and creative product design, investigating its theoretical foundations, practical applications, and implications within the tourism industry. Through a multidisciplinary approach encompassing literature review, case studies, statistical analysis, and discussion, the study elucidates the role of SMA in shaping authentic, immersive, and innovative tourism experiences. The theoretical underpinnings of SMA are examined, highlighting its basis in Neural Style Transfer (NST) algorithms and its ability to blend diverse cultural elements, historical motifs, and contemporary aesthetics. By leveraging SMA, designers can create tourism products that transcend traditional boundaries, offering visitors a multifaceted exploration of a destination's heritage and identity. Practical applications of SMA in tourism product design are illustrated through case studies spanning museum exhibits, cultural festivals, walking tours, and themed attractions. Statistical analysis reveals that SMA-generated products consistently exhibit higher Cultural Authenticity Index (CAI) scores compared to traditional designs, indicating SMA's capacity to authentically reflect local culture. Furthermore, the study examines the impact of SMA on the visitor experience, revealing varying levels of satisfaction across different types of SMA-generated products. Museum exhibits emerge as highly rated experiences, underscoring the importance of context and design objectives in SMA implementations. The discussion delves into SMA's potential to drive innovation and creativity within the tourism industry while emphasizing the need for ethical considerations and community engagement. Future research directions are proposed, including investigations into long-term impacts, technological synergies, and accessibility of SMA tools.

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