Data Analysis and Algorithm Innovation in Power System Intelligent Monitoring and Early Warning Technology

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Na Li, Guanghua Yang, Yuexiao Liu, Xiangyu Lu, Zhu Tang


With the increasing complexity and demand for reliable power supply, there arises a critical need for advanced monitoring and early warning systems in power grids. This abstract delves into the realm of data analysis and algorithmic innovations that drive the development of intelligent monitoring and early warning technology in power systems. Firstly, it explores the significance of data analysis in power system monitoring, emphasizing the vast amounts of data generated by modern grid infrastructure, including real-time sensor data, historical records, and external factors such as weather patterns and demand fluctuations. Effective data analysis techniques are essential to extract meaningful insights from this data deluge. Secondly, the abstract discusses the pivotal role of algorithms in enabling intelligent monitoring and early warning capabilities. Advanced algorithms, ranging from machine learning to optimization techniques, empower power system operators to predict and detect anomalies, identify potential failures, and optimize grid performance proactively. Furthermore, the abstract highlights recent innovations in data-driven approaches, such as predictive analytics, anomaly detection, and fault diagnosis, tailored specifically for power system applications. These innovations leverage the wealth of data available in power grids to enhance situational awareness, mitigate risks, and improve overall system reliability.

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