A Survey of Fast Charging Systems in Electrical Vehicles using Solar and Grid Sources

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Sandeep Bishla, Anita Khosla


Electric vehicles (EVs) offer green mobility, however, the market for electric cars experiences very low annual growth due to a need for EV charging stations, a drawn-out charging process, and grid variability during periods of high demand. The automotive industry strives to offer clean and adequate fuel-based transportation, and EVs are the best alternatives to conventional Integrated Circuit (IC) engine-based automobiles. Fast charging of EVs is necessary to overcome the main obstacle to EV adoption, which is the length of the charging process. Various solutions have been put forth with the adoption and absorption of fast public charging. With the development of EVs, there is a rising need for charging stations. In the charging station, a many power is needed. The energy required is significantly larger in a Fast Charging Station (FCS). Power loss, Voltage instability, harmonic distortion, and transformer overloading are all effects of the unexpectedly increased demand for electricity in the distribution system. So in this survey, fast charging techniques with two sources, such as grid and solar, were analyzed and discussed. This review paper aims to address a major challenge hindering the widespread adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) - the time-consuming charging process. The article focuses on fast charging techniques using grid and solar power sources. As the demand for EVs increases, the need for charging stations also grows, including the power requirements of Fast Charging Stations (FCS). The paper analyzes and discusses the techniques used in FCS and the pros and cons of utilizing grid and solar power sources. The primary contribution of this work is to assess rapid charging systems that use both solar and grid references, identifying the challenges and issues associated with current EVs. The paper concludes that the development of fast charging systems that incorporate both grid and solar power sources is essential to promote the widespread adoption of EVs and offers a promising solution to the challenges facing the transition to a sustainable transportation system. 

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