A Study of The Performance of Various Media for Information Security Via LSB Steganography Method for Text Messaging

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Harshal V. Patil, Vaibhav P. Sonaje


The growing prevalence of online data sharing has brought forth a critical concern pertaining to information security. It is imperative to secure confidential data during internet communication. Steganography, which entails the scientific and artistic principles of disguising messages within various media such as images, audio, and video, has been widely employed as a means of safeguarding sensitive information from malicious actors. One widely-used method in LSB-based steganography for secure data transmission is highlighted in this paper. This study presents a thorough examination of different LSB-based steganography methods for embedding textual data into various media files, including images, audio, and video. The primary goal of this research is to evaluate the efficiency of these algorithms for different file sizes and media types, with a specific focus on criteria such as PSNR and MSE. 

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