Instability analysis with mitigation strategies in ocean and agro-industrial products for sustainability

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Pawan Kumar Sharma, Eakagra Galav, Dharm Veer Arya, Anuj Baliyan


The ever-increasing instability challenges posed by climate change, energy sustainability and environmental conservation have brought about a critical need for an in-depth study and analysis of ionospheric disturbance due to natural disasters such as tsunami and instability mitigation by sugarcane-lithium products in crude oil. Computational results of instability for area, production and yield have revealed that sugarcane exhibits low instability across the world, thus making it an attractive option. Despite high instability during the session (2008-09 to 2010-11) and after 2017-18 in net profit of sugar import-export in India, the country has shown significant economic growth during the COVID-19 pandemic. Moreover, the reduction in cost of Li-ion batteries has made electric vehicles and renewable energy systems more affordable, thereby increasing their demand. Additionally, a detailed analysis of TIM devices for energy conservation shows that a honeycomb cell with an aspect ratio of 2 to 13 is sufficient to suppress instability in the air layer for inclination up to 900 and DT from 200 to 1200. Overall, these findings suggest that sugarcane-lithium products and TIM devices can play a crucial role in mitigating instability challenges in climate change, energy sustainability and environmental conservation.

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