Design and Implementation of AMI Network for Smart Grid using MQTT Protocol

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Tejaskumar P. Bhatt, Yagnik A Rathod, Virendra K Barot, Ashok K Rathva, Vanraj D Baria, Salman Y Bhimla


In a Smart Grid, Smart Meters (SM) is an essential component and are used to realize the actual-time information series. Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) a network infrastructure with a variety of Smart Energy Meters connected to a distributed system and will provide flexible control, transmission. The Smart Grid has great benefits, but cyber and physical security, and privacy concerns are arising as critical concerns. Smart Grid may suffer from a variety of threats, including both cyber-attacks and physical attacks from potential customers who disrupt Smart Meters to generate low power consumption costs. Due to the resource-restrained nature of  IOT suitable approach for AMI, a lightweight communication protocol is required. Message Querying Telemetry delivery (MQTT) is one of the lightweight communication protocols that use submit and subscribe technique but senses the poosibilities of cyber threat. Most recent MQTT protocols are susceptible to a denial of provider attack and by utilizing those abilities it is possible to make those devices potential and feasible objectives for adversaries. Middleware-based IoT software protocols play a key position in permitting two-manner verbal exchange and faraway manage of IoT devices. Feasible threats in MQTT-based IOT environments need to be identified before appropriate countermeasures may be implemented. We are presenting the MQTT risk model and evaluate a DoS assault that targets MQTT brokers. The proposed strategy reduce the threat or attack on end-to-end system and to provide solution to the issues of physical and cyberattack such as distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack, especially on a smart grid system and to provide information access solutions using cloud storage and using firewall services or security services on AMI as a part of Smart Grid. Hence, The MQTT protocol, deployed in the cloud using Kubernetes, which can provide a real-time application and transport layer protocol along with appropriate attack protection, suits the AMI network the best for the development and production workings of SMs and the AMI-Network.

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