Evaluating Academic Information Systems Through Dual Models

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Sukarno Bahat Nauli, Agung Priambodo, Hernalom Sitorus, Turkhamun Adi Kurniawan


Evaluation of a system is needed to determine whether the system is still following organizational goals. For maximum results, evaluation should be done regularly. An academic information system is a system that aims to perform data processing so that it can provide convenient information that is used by users in academic administrative activities. This study proposes to determine the level of governance maturity in the monitoring and Evaluation domain of academic information systems at University ‘X’ a private in Indonesia and determine factors of the success of the information system. The results of the measurement process show that the maturity level of the system is at level 2.1 and the factors that affect the success of the system are System Quality, Quality of Service, User Satisfaction, and Net Benefits. The comparison specifically on System Quality and User Satisfaction relation has a less significant impact (0.2) while the IT Performance of the Monitor and Evaluate process is at the initial/ad hoc stage (level 1).  In this study, the Quality of Information does not affect the success of the system. The results of this study provide recommendations for organizations to improve governance according to organizational goals to level 3 and to improve the Quality of Information in information systems. 

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