Numerical Analysis of Tennis Serve Performance based on Aerodynamic Characteristics

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Kaibin Fan, Sujie Mao


Using the method of computational fluid dynamics, the influence of the spin axis angle of the tennis ball on the pressure distribution, lift coefficient and drag coefficient of the flow field around the tennis ball under three different serving styles, namely, flat stroke, topspin and sidespin, is investigated in depth. The results show that the lift coefficient of the tennis ball is significantly affected by the side spin serve, while the change of the lift coefficient is not obvious in the flat and top spin serves. In addition, for the drag coefficient, both topspin and sidespin serves had a significant effect on it, while the effect of the flat stroke was relatively small. It is worth noting that the changes in the spin axis angle did not lead to significant changes in the static pressure distribution on the surface of the tennis ball and the surrounding flow field under the three different serving styles. This finding is of great academic value and practical guidance for further understanding the hydrodynamic phenomena in tennis and for improving the serve technique.

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