Immersive Marketing & Measurement: How VR, AR, And AI are Transforming Customer Engagement Tracking

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Tran Minh Tung, Doan Thi Thanh Huong


Immersive Marketing and Advertising Information Systems (IM&AIS) leverage VR, AR, and AI technologies to create engaging and personalized customer experiences. This paper investigates the potential of IM&AIS for quantifying and measuring brand engagement, loyalty, and purchase intention. We examine how IM&AIS utilizes data collection and user interaction within VR/AR environments to deliver targeted content and track consumer behavior. The paper then discusses the challenges of measuring the effectiveness of IM&AIS campaigns, including privacy concerns and integration with traditional marketing metrics. Finally, the research explored potential solutions and future trends in IM&AIS measurement, emphasizing the role of advanced data analytics and instrumentation in maximizing the benefits of immersive marketing.

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