Analysis of the Development Strategy of College Football Teaching in the New Media Era

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Yunfei Lu


This study investigates the development strategy of college football teaching in the context of the new media era, aiming to provide insights into the evolving landscape of collegiate sports programs. Through a mixed-methods approach, including surveys, interviews, and document analysis, key aspects of recruitment preferences, training methodologies, fan engagement behaviours, and the impact of new media integration were examined. Findings revealed a significant preference for social media platforms among recruits, highlighting the importance of digital presence in attracting top-tier talent. Players expressed a positive attitude toward technology-integrated training methods, with programs utilizing technology demonstrating significant improvements in performance metrics. The widespread use of digital streaming services among fans underscores the shift toward digital consumption patterns, emphasizing the need for interactive digital engagement strategies. Regression analysis indicated a significant positive effect of new media integration on program success metrics, suggesting that comprehensive digital strategies contribute to enhanced competitiveness and sustained success. Overall, this study underscores the critical role of new media integration in shaping the development strategy of college football teaching and provides actionable insights for programs seeking to navigate the digital landscape effectively.

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