Simulation Research on Packaging Design of Traditional Elements Based on Motion Behavior of Multimedia Visual Images

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Fang Rao, Zhiwei Yi


This study explores the integration of traditional elements within packaging design, focusing on their interaction with the motion behaviour of multimedia visual imagery. Drawing upon insights from literature in packaging design, consumer behaviour, and motion graphics, the research investigates the impact of integrating cultural heritage with dynamic visual storytelling in creating compelling packaging experiences. Through a mixed-methods approach encompassing surveys, observational studies, and motion behaviour analysis, the study examines consumer perceptions, preferences, and engagement with packaging designs incorporating traditional motifs and motion dynamics. The findings highlight the significance of cultural authenticity and narrative coherence in enhancing aesthetic appeal and brand resonance. Moreover, the study elucidates the role of motion behaviour in capturing consumer attention and fostering emotional connections with packaging designs. By leveraging simulation techniques to analyze design scenarios and optimize outcomes, the research offers actionable insights for designers and marketers seeking to create culturally resonant and visually compelling packaging experiences that resonate with consumers on both aesthetic and emotional levels. Ultimately, this study contributes to advancing knowledge and practice in the field of packaging design, driving innovation and creativity in the pursuit of consumer-centric brand experiences.

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