A Study of Learning Motivation and Cognitive Load in Virtual Reality-Based Task-Based Teaching of Business English

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Zhaoming Li, Lu Guan


This study looks into the dynamics of learning motivation and cognitive load in the context of virtual reality (VR)-based task-based teaching of Business English. With the growing importance of good communication skills in today's worldwide corporate environment, there is a greater demand for creative language learning methodologies that can engage students and build competency in corporate English. This study uses a mixed-methods approach, including quantitative surveys and qualitative interviews, to investigate the effects of VR-based language learning interventions on learners' motivation, perceived cognitive load, and task performance. Purposive sampling was used to recruit participants, who are English language learners of various competence levels. The intervention includes immersive VR-based language learning modules that imitate real-world business events and tasks like negotiations, presentations, and client contacts. Participants' learning motivation and cognitive load are assessed before and after the intervention using established scales such as the Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ) and the Cognitive Load Scale (CLS). During VR tasks, they collect objective data such as completion times and accuracy rates. Participants discuss their perspectives, experiences, and challenges during qualitative interviews. Statistical evaluations, including descriptive statistics and correlational tests, show that the VR intervention leads to significant increases in learning motivation. Although cognitive load remains steady, the interaction of motivation, cognitive load, and task performance indicates a complex relationship in VR language learning. These findings provide critical insights for educational technology and language pedagogy, facilitating the creation of effective and engaging language learning interventions in immersive virtual worlds.

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