A Review Paper on Parameter for Substation Grounding Design and Various Softwares Used.

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Avani Mistry, Trushna Shah, Sita Agrawal


The grounding grid design has a vital role for the operation of substation. The grounding system is responsible for safety of the operators and apparatus inside the substation and thus maintaining reliability in the whole power network. This review paper explains the need of grounding system and the parameters related to the designing of grounding system as explained in IEEE Standard 80-2013. Faults concerning ground inside the substation can result into increase of the potential values (GPR)and during the occurrence of fault, high current flowing in the ground area through metal object, can result into severe hazardous situations for the person working in the substation. This paper explains the method of grounding grid calculations, various parameters used in the design by flow chart. The grid modifications are also discussed, if the measured parameters like touch voltage, step voltage in the design are not satisfying the tolerable values. As manual calculations are time consuming and more complex, softwares are used. An extensive study of softwares like ESGSD, SES Auto Grid Pro, CDEGS etc. is done in this review paper which not only gives grid design but also considers the cost optimization parameter. Thus, judiciously designed grounding systems are cost effective and increase the level of safety of person-equipments to acceptable levels.

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