A Visualization of Digital Finance Research: A Bibliometric Analysis on E-wallet

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Farizka Shafa Nabila, Mahir Pradana, Anita Silvianita


The e-wallet has seen significant development and has become widely adopted and used. The objective of this study is to assess the effectiveness and analyze the existing body of knowledge in order to identify the pathways for further advancement in mobile payment research during the new normal. In order to accomplish its objectives, this study utilizes and executes a bibliometric technique on a collection of 53 papers obtained from the Scopus database to offer a comprehensive analysis of past and future e-wallet research. This study use performance analysis to examine the productivity and influence of contributors to research on e-wallets. This study using scientific mapping to uncover the fundamental themes and topical paths in the existing literature focused on e-wallet research. The results obtained from the study of performance and the mapping of scientific knowledge are then utilized to guide the direction of future research on e-wallet technology.  

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