Proposing the Operation of an Experimental Psychology Laboratory in a Developing Country

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Thien-Vu Giang,Thanh-Nghia Lam,Van-Son Huynh,Tat-Thien Do,Vinh-Khuong Nguyen


This study aimed to formulate standardized procedures for operating a psychology laboratory in a developing country context. Recommendations were developed based on integrating international best practices from leading labs with internal regulations at Vietnamese universities. Protocols focused on four key areas – scheduling activities, conducting electroencephalogram (EEG) experiments, equipment maintenance, counseling and clinical services. Structured guidelines were proposed across the four areas that aligned with global benchmarks while adapted for local academic settings. Detailed procedures covered scheduling workflows, EEG experiment preparation and execution, cleaning and storing the EEG system, and steps for psychological counseling sessions. The evidence-based procedures offer a valuable framework for strengthening research capabilities and clinical services at psychology labs in low and middle-income countries. By pioneering localized models adapted from world-class standards, this initiative represents an important contribution to building capacity for impactful experimental psychology.

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