Optimization of Resource Allocation in Industrial Civilization Cities Based on Gwas Model

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Can Xu


A key strategy for resolving the conflict between the demand and availability of water and the needs of modern culture's productivity and standard of living is the efficient distribution of resource allocation. The citizens are the city's most valuable asset. As a result, the notion of the Industrial sector can only function by focusing on physical and mental wellness. The resource issue may be resolved via the optimum use of resources in modern industrial societies.The Diversion of Yellow River Water, which runs from south to north, and Diversion of Weihe River Water are just a few of the many different reservoirs utilized to supplement the requirements of cities and factories in the face of dwindling supplies from upper streams and strict limits on groundwater levels. General Water Allocation and Simulation (GWAS) Model of cities were built in response to the need for sophisticated administration in modern industrialization to bring about adaptive control and oversight of water supply assets while decreasing the supply-demand imbalance. With each passing year along the planned horizon, the percentage of groundwater resources will decline while the proportions of external water transfers and innovative groundwater will rise. The results state that the proposed model has provided an accuracy of 94%. This study may serve as a technical resource for planning urban growth in the context of an industrialized society.

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