Communication Technology and Digital Publishing of Mainstream Media in the Era of Integrated Media

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Rui Gong


In era of integrated media, concept of communication technology and digital publishing in mainstream media is evolving to encompass seamless connectivity, interactive user experiences, and personalized engagement strategies the challenges in the integration of communication technology and digital publishing in mainstream media in the era of integrated media is the need to effectively manage and adapt to rapidly changing technological advancements and trends, ensuring that media organizations remain agile and competitive in a dynamic digital landscape. This manuscript proposes a communication technology and digital publishing of mainstream media in the era of integrated media with Density Clustering and Graph Neural Network (CTDP-MMIM-DCGNN). Initially, the data is collected from survey and focus group discussion guide based on analysis data. Afterward, the information’s are fed into preliminary processing. In preliminary processing section, Unsharp Structure Guided Filtering (USGF) is used to eliminate the missing data. The outcome from the pre-processing data is transferred to the DCGNN. The DCGNN method effectively classifies credibility levels as highly credible, fairly credible and not credible. The Red Piranha Optimization (RPO)is used to enhance the weight element of DCGNN. The suggested technique is executed in Python and the effectiveness of the suggested CTDP-MMIM-DCGNN technique is assessed with help of numerous performance measures like accuracy, precision, recall, sensitivity, specificity and computation time. Proposed CTDP-MMIM-DCGNN method attains higher accuracy 22.32%, 31.25% and 29.31%; higher sensitivity 16.34%, 12.23%, and 19.12%; higher precision36.22%, 38.13% and 28.17%,higher recall 31.13%, 23.33% and 23.13%for highly credible analysed to the existing methods, like novel attack finding system for Physics-informed neural networks with periodic activation functions for solute transport in heterogeneous porous media (PAF-SHPM-PiNN), Realization of artificial intelligence interactive method for promoting education in era of 5G integrated media (ISAE-IM-RNN),Research on Digital Communication Mode of National Traditional Sports Culture Based on BP Neural Network(DC-NTSC-BPNN).

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