The Plane Composition Law of Li Nationality's Totem Pattern Decorative Dymbols in Hainan Tropical Gardens

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Yuping Wu, Xiaotian Li, Limei Liu, Ziyue Xiong, Qingshu Wu


 Aking the composition law of Li totem patterns in tropical gardens in Hainan as the research object, this paper selects Li totems with different totem pattern types and meanings, quantitatively analyzes the proportion scale relationship between the whole and part of various totem patterns by using Photoshop, aotucad, Excel and other related software, and summarizes the plane composition proportion law of totem human pattern, dragon pattern, frog pattern, deer pattern, bird pattern, petal pattern, fish pattern, bat pattern and turtle pattern, Its formal beauty composition conforms to the characteristic proportion of integer ratio 1 / 2, 1 / 3 and 1 / 4, which is helpful to explore the quantitative method of the formal beauty of totem landscape composition, and provide a reference for the further application of Li totem pattern plane composition in Hainan tropical gardens.  

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