Investigation of SnO2-based Thick Film Gas Sensors through Optimization of Artificial Neural Networks Parameters for Hazardous Gas Detection

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Bholey Nath Prasad, Haroon, Jitendra K. Srivastava


In the present study, a systematic approach for optimizing artificial neural network parameters for the detection of a greenhouse gas carbon di-oxide (CO2) through SnO2-based thick film gas sensors for a wide range of concentrations  is presented. The un-doped and Pd-doped SnO2 thick film is used as the sensor. The approach includes dataset preparation, input and output variable selection, artificial neural network architecture selection, training, validation, hyperparameter tuning, and testing. The input variables were selected based on their relevance to the problem at hand, such as the concentrations of the gas. The output variables were the changes in resistance of the sensor in response to the corresponding input variables. The artificial neural network architecture was carefully chosen, considering factors like the number of layers, neurons per layer, activation functions, and learning rate. Using the prepared dataset, the artificial neural network was trained by adjusting the connection weights between neurons to minimize the disparity between actual and predicted sensor responses. After training, the accuracy of the artificial neural network and generalization ability were assessed using a separate dataset for validation. The approach in the presented study can be used for different types of gases, and can be utilized in various applications

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