Hermite –Hadamard and Hermaite –Hadamard Fejer inequality for new f-divergence measure via conformable fractional integrals

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Anulika Sharma, R. N. Saraswat


In information geometry, a divergence measure is a type of statistical distance and a binary function which established the separation from one probability distribution to another on a statistical numerous. The basic use of divergence measure is statistical data processing, information storage, decision making etc. The most famous inequality regarding the integral mean of a convex function is HermiteâHadamard's inequality and the weighted version of this is called the Hermite-Hadamard-Fejér inequality. Purpose of this paper is to find Hermaite-Hadamard and Hermite-Hadamard Fejer type inequalities for new f-divergence measure with the help of conformable fractional integrals. Hermaite-Hadamard inequality gives us necessary and sufficient condition for a function must be convex. Here we consider the new f-divergence measure, it has the property of convexity. In this research article we drive some inequalities for t-convex function which gives us the extensions of the previous work for convex and t-convex function and also obtains some fractional midpoint type inequalities. The main purpose of this paper is to establish conformal fractional approximation of Hermaite-Hadamard and Hermite-Hadamard Fejer type inequalities for new f-divergence measure which close the fractional integral and the Riemann-Liouville integrable into single form,also gives us some new results for -Riemann-Liouville integral as special cases of main results. This article gives us most useful link between convexity and symmetry. 

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