Analysis of PG/Flat Rental Website Developed Using PHP/Xampp with Existing PG/Flat Business/Rental Websites

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Priti Ray, Manisha Vashisht


This research paper is like a guide on how to build a website to help people find flats or apartments to rent in big cities.  The paper talks about different tools and methods for website creation. It focuses on a tool called Xampp, which helps you set up a website on your own computer.  The paper explains the concept of a website's life cycle, which basically means the different stages a website goes through from planning to launch and updates.  It also talks about frameworks, which are like pre-made building blocks that can help you develop websites faster. The website this paper discusses is specifically designed to help people find apartments or flats to rent in big cities. The paper dives into a specific technology called PHP, which is like a special coding language used to build websites. It also explains how Xampp helps with using PHP for this website.

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