How Well Fitness and Sports Fans Comprehend Inguinal Hernias

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Abdulrahman Alotaibi, Alwaleed Alshamrani, Lamyaa Alharbi, Aseel Felemban, Zahra abdalwahab, Mohammed Alalwan, Lian Aljohani, Faisal Alharthi, Saud Alalawi, Karim Alsalhi, Khames Alzahrani


Background: It is important to determine how well-informed sports fans are about inguinal hernias and what variables put them at risk for getting one. Methodology: Study conducted from August 2023 to December 2023. The approved online survey was distributed on social media platforms throughout Saudi Arabia. Results: Of the 459 people who took part in our study, 52.1% were men and 44.9% were between the ages of 20 and 30. The distribution of participants with high, average, and poor knowledge and awareness yielded 11%, 56%, and 33%, respectively. Unmarried women under the age of 40 exhibit a higher and average understanding of hernia compared to married men over the age of 40, with a comparison rate of 73. % vs. 56%, p=.001, 77% vs. 57%, p=.001, 69.6% vs. 60.3%, p=.001, respectively.

Conclusion: There is sufficient understanding, familiarity, and knowledge regarding hernias and the factors that put individuals at risk among those involved in sports and fitness. It is advisable for married men aged 40 and above to acquire knowledge regarding hernias and the various factors that contribute to their susceptibility. Healthcare providers should give priority to this specific population when providing education on inguinal hernias to patients

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